Jan 20, 2021
This is an audio recording of a webinar that took place on 17th January 2021. TO watch the webinar, please click here:
The webinar discussed how ophthalmological practices are adapting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guy Sallet MD, Aalst, Belgium, Arthur B Cummings MMed (Ophth), FCS(SA), FRCS(Edin), Dublin, Rod Solar,...
Jan 8, 2021
This is an audio recording of Episode 8 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club.
Hosted by Basak Bostanci (Turkey) and Imran Yusuf (UK). Guest
panellists for this episode are Nic Reus (The Netherlands) and
Filomena Ribeiro (Portugal)
The following paper is discussed: "Ten-year safety follow-up and
post-explant analysis of...